Thursday, May 13, 2010

MFM appt. (April 20) - 26w2d

The appointment with MFM today went very well! At this appointment the babies were all measured by ultrasound. Of course, measuring the babies weight by this method is not completely accurate and can sometimes be off the actual weight, but at this point, while in the womb, it is really the only method that I know of that can be used. By looking at various measurements of the babies, such as head size, belly size, length, and so forth, the computer can generate an estimate of the babies’ weights. With this in mind, the babies weighed in very well! Baby A (girl), who is located on the bottom, was the biggest, coming in at 2 pounds 3 ounces. Even though there are three babies, the schedule is according to a singleton pregnancy. Baby A is actually a little ahead of schedule, which I find to be quite amazing! She also had a heart rate of 146 beats per minute. Baby B (boy), located on my left, was the smallest of the three, weighing approximately 2 pounds and having a heart rate of 143 beats per minute. Baby C (girl), on my right, did the most growing, weighing in at 2 pounds 2 ounces and having a heart rate of 140 beats per minute. At the last measurement, she was the smallest. All of the babies’ growth looks fantastic and right on track. It is also a very good thing that the babies are all growing at the same rate and the discrepancy between the babies is only 3 ounces! This is quite amazing.

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