Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Dr. Appt.

I had another appointment with my doctor yesterday. I am now seeing her on a weekly basis, just as a precaution to make sure everything is OK. When I see her, they do an ultrasound first, just to be able to find all of the heartbeats. The babies have moved positions a little and now the boy is kind of in front of baby girl C. It's hard to explain, but they have definitely been CRAZY active in the past couple of days! All heartbeats looked great and doctor said everything else looks good. One thing she does want to continuously monitor is my blood pressure. A typical problem for mothers of multiples when they get farther along in their pregnancy is developing pre-eclampsia (this could happen with moms of singletons, but happens more frequently with more babies present). This is a condition where the mother's blood pressure becomes dangerously high and the only way to help lower it is to deliver the babies. Thankfully, my blood pressure has always been normal (120/70 yesterday), and we hope it continues that way.

Quick update on my sister ~ she hit her 28th week mark yesterday and had a doctor's appointment also. Everything with her little boy is looking well also! She is carrying him very low and the doctor told her the baby is using her belly as a hammock and just "hanging out." We are so blessed that both of our pregnancies have been so uneventful. We're hoping that continues for another month :) Thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers!

1 comment:

  1. More excellent news! I can't fathom how you must be feeling right now...I was miserable the last few weeks with the twins. Nighttime was killer!

    Also, our first camping trip with all 5 of us is next weekend. Can't wait!
