Saturday, May 29, 2010
32 Week Milestone!!!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Dr. Appt.
Quick update on my sister ~ she hit her 28th week mark yesterday and had a doctor's appointment also. Everything with her little boy is looking well also! She is carrying him very low and the doctor told her the baby is using her belly as a hammock and just "hanging out." We are so blessed that both of our pregnancies have been so uneventful. We're hoping that continues for another month :) Thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers!
Monday, May 24, 2010
End in Sight!
I have been doing really well so far, but I am afraid the heat may become a killer :( Yesterday's main goal was getting my rings off. With some ice and Windex, the mission was accomplished a half hour later. Hopefully I can manage some sort of comfort level!
Friday, May 21, 2010
NICU tour
Thursday, May 20, 2010
All 4 of Us are doing WELL!!!
Baby A - 2 lb. 3 oz. - 3 lbs. 5 oz.
Baby B - 2 lb. - 3 lbs. 6 oz.
Baby C - 2 lbs. 1 oz. - 3 lbs. 6 oz.
These weights are AWESOME! There is very little discrepancy between babies and they are all on track for if there were only one baby. If you add them all up, you can see I have over 10 pounds of baby! The lady said everything looked so good, and my body must be made to carry multiples. The fluid around each baby looks great and their movement looks active as always. She also said that she could tell baby C was practicing breathing! She said she is doing this a little early, but that's a good thing!
The next appointment was with Dr. Kanios. She is basically just checking blood pressure, weight, and looking at my belly. She is very happy with everything and expressed how well everything is going. She did measure my belly, which is subjective, but according to her I am measuring about 40 weeks (I'm 31 tomorrow). She also mentioned that she talked with the specialists and they will not let me go over 36 weeks. That means babies will be here no later then June 25th - YIKES!
Last, we went back to MFM for the non-stress test. During the time I was hooked up to the monitors I did not have any real contractions. When the test is being done, the nurse looks at the heartbeats compared to the babies' movements. At 32 weeks, the baby's heart rate should increase at least 15 beats per minute when the baby moves. She was looking for an increase of 5-10 beats per minute since I am only 31 weeks. After the test, she was very impressed because all of the babies' beats were increasing well over 15 beats. YES! These babies are overachievers :)
Overall, it was a very long day, but between all the appointments I was able to get some errands ran. Tomorrow brings another big day as I have an eye doctor's appointment and then am going to tour the NICU (newborn intensive care unit).
Monday, May 17, 2010
A - Please walk to your pantry, strap 5 10lb. bags of sugar on your belly equivalent to the 50 extra pounds I am carrying, put a clothespin on your nose since I can only breathe half as much, then stay awake for 24 hours with only a couple of 1 hour naps. Then you can tell me how comfortable you are :) With that being said, I am trying my best not to complain because it is such a blessing and I truly do want the babies to stay put for a few more weeks.
Q - How long will the doctor let you go?
A - As long as I can at this point! If we get to 35 weeks, we may start discussing options, but until then, I'll just keep praying they stay put. The average for triplets is 32 weeks, and my goal for them is 34 weeks. At 32 weeks, they should have the capabilities of breathing on their own, and at 34 weeks, they learn to suck, swallow, and breathe at the same time on their own.
Q - Are they identical?
A - They are all in their own sac, so the answer would be no, they are fraternal.
Q - How big are they?
A - I go to MFM to have an ultrasound where they measure the babies weight every 4 weeks. I have not been there since April 20th, at which point they were 2lbs. 3oz., 2lbs.1oz., and 2lbs., for babies A, B, and C respectively. We will get new measurements on Thursday!
Q - Am I going to deliver vaginally?
A - No! It was not even an option for me because of there being three. At the last ultrasound, all of the babies were breech anyways.
Q- Do the babies move alot?
A - YES!!! It is constantly a three-ring circus in my belly. A few of the ultrasounds have shown various babies kicking each other. I guess the sibling fights have started already :)
Q - Do the babies switch positions?
A - Not really. Baby A (girl) is always on the bottom. Baby B (boy) is always on the left side. Baby C (girl) is always on the top right. While they do not switch basic locations, they are still flipping all over, sometimes head down, sometimes feet or bottom down.
Q - Are you going to breastfeed?
A - YES! I am adamant about this and am going to do my best to try to provide the best nutrients for the babies. I know it will be a full-time job, but these are my intentions and I am trying to keep a very positive mindset about this, even though there seems to be much negativity and doubt from people. If I cannot exclusively feed all three for some reason, my hope is that I can at least partially breastfeed them, supplementing with formula.
Q - Are you going to have three cribs?
A - Eventually. At the beginning, we plan on setting one up on the main floor of our house and two in the nursery upstairs. They will most likely sleep all in one crib while they still fit.
Q - I thought you weren't going to find out the genders of the babies. Why the change of heart?
A - After having many discussions and seeing the generosity of everyone through shower gifts and stuff to pass down, we decided it would be much easier to find out what we were having. If we had not found out, I could not imagine how much yellow and green newborn clothes I would be looking at now!
Q - Do you have names decided?
A - We have talked about this and are getting close to deciding, but it will remain TOP SECRET!! Even our parents do not know our options :) I have seen too many issues with people revealing their names early and we are trying to avoid all of it.
Q - Are you ready?
A - I'm not sure anyone could ever be COMPLETELY ready for the huge change Al and I are about to experience, but we are excited. Yes, we know it will be the most dramatic change in our lives either of us has experienced and yes, I know we do not know what to all expect, but hopefully we will be able to embrace it all and thank God for the blessings we have been given.
Friday, May 14, 2010
30 Weeks!
In celebration of making it 30 weeks, I was lucky enough to have TWO dr. appointments. I went to Dr. Kanios's office first to have them check the length of my cervix to see if it was thinning at all, a sign of getting closer to delivery. The ultrasound lady said it was normal for moms of multiples to have a length of 1.5 cm at this time and singletons to have around 2 cm. Mine was 4.91 cm!!! She made the comment that if I were to be having these babies naturally, I was no where close to delivering :) Good news!!
The second place we went to was MFM to have a non-stress test done on the babies. Basically, I sat in a chair while they hooked little monitors on my belly for the babies' heartbeats. Unfortunately, they can only do 2 heartbeats at a time, so I had to sit through the test double the time (30 minutes). From what I understand, they are making sure I am not having contractions that are putting too much stress on the babies. They are also looking at the heart rates in accordance with baby movement. Anytime I felt a baby move, I was to push a buzzer. Around 32 weeks, the babies' beats are supposed to increase with movement. During the 30 minutes, I did apparently have 3 contractions, but they were very small, in fact, I did not even feel them. It sounds like that is normal, but if they increase to where I can feel them and they occur more often then I am to call the doctor. As of now though, everything looks great and we will just keep laying around!!
Congratulations Mike!
This is a picture of us two pregnant sisters. In this picture I am 29 weeks with triplets and Becky is 26 weeks with one. It is so awesome being pregnant together knowing that our children will grow up together being so close in age. She is due Aug. 17th, so my parents will go from zero grandkids to the proud grandparents of 4 kids! (2 boys and 2 girls!)
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Blog (May 13, 2010)
I have wanted to start a blog for some time, but have not sat down to do it. The previous entries, I wrote from memory, but am sincerely going to try to keep up with this, as I think it will be a great way to document special moments and keep everyone updated. Unfortunately, I do not have time to continuously update everyone on what is happening, but with this blog, people can stay as “in the loop” as they chose. It is my hope that you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy reading other friends’ blogs! Happy reading J
Dr. Appt. (May 11, 2010)
At this appointment, the doctor and I discussed starting non-stress tests and how long they will let me go. I have my first non-stress tests tomorrow, Friday at MFM, since it marks the beginning of my 30th week! As far as how long they will let me carry the babies, it will just be a waiting game. Right now, we are just trying to go as long as possible. My goal is to carry the babies to at least 34 weeks. At 32 weeks, babies have typically developed enough to allow them to breathe on their own, and by 34 weeks they have learned to suck, swallow and breathe, no longer requiring a feeding tube. We are hoping and praying we do not deliver sooner than that.
29 Weeks! (May 7, 2010)
Injection (May 3, 2010) - 28w2d
Answers (April 30)
Exhausted (April 29)
Frustrated! (April 28)
Glucose Test and Hemoglobin check (April 26)
After the testing was complete, I had a scheduled doctor’s appointment, in which there was really no new news, which is what we like to hear. Dr. Kanios was pleased with how everything was going and from now on, would like to see me every week.