Thursday, June 17, 2010

GREAT appointment!!

Our family had fantastic reports at all 3 appointments this morning! We started off at MFM for an ultrasound to see approximately how much each baby weighs. To do this, they measure the size of each babies' head and stomach, and the length of one upper arm and leg bone. Baby A came in at 5 lbs., 7 oz. (this is actually larger than the normal for 34 w 6d)! The ultrasound tech commented that she has quite the belly on her :) Baby B was the smallest, weighing in at 4 lbs., 11 oz. (a little smaller than normal), and Baby C weighed 5 lbs. even (almost on track). When I found out we were expecting triplets and I had done a lot of reading, I was just praying to have the babies all weigh 4 lbs. Wow! They have completely surpassed that and are doing much better than I ever expected, for which I am very grateful! They also measured the amount of amniotic fluid in each sac. They are looking for at least 2 cm of fluid, and the babies had 3 cm, 3 cm, and 5 cm, so no worries there.

The next appointment was the non-stress test. Ususally the babies are VERY active; however, typically I do the appointment in the afternoon. I think because it was morning, they were a little more sluggish, so they had to be woken with a little buzzer/vibrator and then later poked, so they could measure movement in correlation with heartrates. Even though it took a little longer, all babies did pass once again.

Lastly, was the appointment with Dr. Kanios. She is very pleased about how everything is progressing. My blood pressure has been great the whole pregnancy, with today's being 119/74. According to Dr. Luke, one of the leading nutritionist for multiple pregnancies, she recommends mothers expecting triplets to gain between 60-75 lbs. To date, I have gained just a little over 60 lbs., which is perfect! I will feel like a new woman when I get all this extra weight off of me (which reminds me of a funny phone call...the other day, my brother called and asked if I ever just tipped over forward because there is so much weight in my belly. Sorry to disappoint him, but I just don't think it works quite like that :) Dr. Kanios also measured my belly, which is somewhat subjective. If I were to be having one baby, my belly would be measuring the size of going 46 weeks! When I got home, I had the nerve to measure around my belly, and I have a very attractive 48 inch waistline.

All in all, we are very blessed to be doing so well. Needless to say, I think everyone was very surprised to see us today, including the ultrasound tech who said she had never measured triplets this far along. Tomorrow makes 35 weeks, so whenever they decide to appear, we would be ok with (except this weekend, since Al still is planning on going to Hillsboro for work :(


  1. Susie! This is amazing!! I'm so happy and excited for you that everything has progressed so smoothly...and these beautiful babies will be here soon!!!!

  2. Awesome news! I love reading your blogs, keep up the good work :o)

  3. You are like a super woman:) Congrats on making it so far!!!

  4. Way to go, Susie!! 48 inches was my waistline the day before I delivered the sexy, I know!
