Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Coming to the end of an AMAZING journey!

As we are quickly approaching the end of this pregnancy, I am a ball of emotions. Everyone keeps asking how I am feeling, but it changes about every 10 minutes. I am so excited, but then all of a sudden get overwhelmed and nervous. Then I think about the actual surgery and begin to get myself worked up, only to calm down again thinking about the birth of the babies. Wow! What a roller coaster of emotions!

When I look back at the past 8 months, I am in amazement of everything that has happened so quickly. Al and I are so fortunate to have been blessed with so many wonderful, gracious, and loving family and friends. People have poured love, prayers, and gifts our way in a multitude of ways. I am not sure I will ever get tired of hearing people say they are praying for and thinking about our family. All I can say is, "Wow! What a blessing!"

All in all, I have loved almost every minute of being pregnant. Thankfully, I had a pretty uneventful pregnancy, for which I am grateful. For the most part, I am really going to miss it. I have loved feeling the babies move inside me, and wondering what they look like and what their personalities will be like. If I had to make a prediction, I would say Baby A will be the calm, laid-back girl who follows her brother and sister. Baby B will be a spitting image of his daddy. He will be completely laid-back and easy-going; however, ALWAYS on the go. Baby C will be the instigator of the bunch and definitely be the leader. This is just what I am thinking from having them move around inside me, so it will be interesting to see how close these predictions are. What I have also enjoyed is the anticipation of the big day! I cannot wait to experience the birth of our babies with Al by my side.

There are a few things I will not miss from this pregnancy, that is for sure. I definitely will not miss the inability to sleep. I know everyone will insert a thought here that goes something like, "I don't think you will see sleep for awhile." I do understand this, but what I am talking about is just the ability to roll over from side to side without the feeling that I need a crane to push me, or without the inevitable and unavoidable noises that accompany this, waking Al up almost every time. It will be wonderful to just be able to get out of bed without having to make it a 5 minute process of making sure every body part is where it should be, working, and I am completely balanced. I will also not miss the shortness of breath. It will be so exciting to be able to go up and back down one flight of stairs in less than 5 minutes, something I always took for granted. The last thing I will not miss (however, I think it will haunt me for while) is the freak show that I create when in public. Never have I been pointed at and talked about so much. I know people are just curious, but I am not sure I can hear, "I've never seen a belly so big" or "When are you due? You are huge!" Last weekend, I was walking out of Target and a lady that was coming into the store started saying, "Excuse me, excuse me" quite rudely. I mistakenly looked up to find she was talking to me. She then proceeded to ask if I was having a multiple pregnancy. I quickly affirmed her suspicions and tried to keep walking, but failed at that. She wanted to know how many, which I answered quickly, and once again turned away. Apparently this woman wanted to know everything because she would not leave me alone. I understand people are curious, but do complete strangers really need to know everything? I always think of come-backs I would love to say in my head, but never have the courage, or the meanness to say them, for example:
"How many babies are you having?" Reply: "One very large 15 pound baby, thanks for a
"Were you due last week?" Reply: "Ohmygosh! Thank you for reminding me that my water did break last week, but I just forgot to go to the hospital!"
"Are the babies natural?" Reply: "Why, no, actually. They are synthetic."
I think I could go on and on about the comments people have made, but I am afraid it will not be much better when I am pushing around a triplet stroller. I am thinking about making a sign to post on the stroller that answers most of the questions people have, but maybe that would be rude, or invite people to ask more questions. I guess we will quickly learn!

In wrapping up this blog, I do want to extend a huge THANK-YOU for all of the help, support, and love everyone has shown us. We truly appreciate everything that has been done to help us with this incredible journey and we are looking forward to the future!!


  1. Susie,
    I got a little teary reading this post. I remember all of the things you are talking about like it was yesterday. The extreme nervousness about the surgery, the unwanted attention from strangers, the inability to sleep comfortably are all things I worried about too. But on the flip side, what you are about to begin will be the MOST amazing journey of your life. You and Al will be fantastic parents and although you may be overwhelmed at times you will figure it out. You just will! And you will be great. You have wanted this for so long and good things come to those that wait. I'm so incredibly happy for you and I am here for whatever you need. Enjoy these moments, dear friend, because they truly do fly by! Love and prayers to all 5 of you!

  2. I am very proud of how well you did!!! You have quite a journey ahead of you...and an exciting one! I wish you and Al all the best! I am very excited to meet those babies, and you will do awesome! It's so weird when you are little how having a baby does not seem like that big of a miracle...but when you have gone through what you have...each step is a miracle and a true blessing! Enjoy every moment, even the not so good ones:)


  3. I'm with Casey...I got teary as well, and I remember feeling the same emotions like it was yesterday. It was a completely overwhelming experience (in a good way) when I delivered the twins, so I can only imagine what it will be like for you and your husband. Know that there are SO MANY people wishing you love and prayers. If I can do anything to help in any way, please let me know!!
