Friday we hit the 34 week milestone!! This was my original goal when we found out we were having triplets, so I am very happy and excited about making it this far.
I had a doctor's appointment this week and another non-stress test, but both went beautifully. There were no concerns and both the doctor and nurses are amazed at how smoothly everything is going. At this point, I am ok with the babies coming at any time. Everybody comments on how miserable I am, but I truly am doing quite well. The hardest part is rolling over and standing up from a sitting position. Other than that, I do not feel bad at all. Luckily, the medicine that my doctor gave me has made my rash almost completely disappear. It occasionally seems to flare up and I start to itch a little, but it seems to be mostly under control - thank goodness! As this journey continues, I am getting more and more excited knowing that the babies will be here in less than 17 days! How exciting :)
Congrats on 34 weeks! I'm getting SO excited for you!!!